Seasonal Allergy Relief

Seasonal allergies can really takes us down a notch; even as the sun is shining, the days are warming up, and birds are singing joyously, there is nothing joyous about the telltale signs of spring allergies, the sniffling, itchy eyes, sneezing, and general misery. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to reduce the discomfort besides taking harsh medications.

Local Honey

Local honey bees collect the same pollen that often cause allergies, and small amounts of this pollen will be found in the honey they produce. So when you consume a small amount of this honey, it can work like an allergy shot — it slowly builds up your tolerance to the allergens, decreasing your symptoms.

You should start out with very small amounts of local honey first, perhaps a quarter of a teaspoon a day. Over time, this amount can be increased, to two to three teaspoons a day. Oryana carries several locally produced honeys.


The herb nettle seems to relieve hay fever symptoms by interfering with the release of histamine, the inflammatory compound that can cause such discomforts as sneezing, congestion, and itchy eyes. Studies have shown that taking about 300 milligrams daily will offer relief for most people, although the effects may last only a few hours. You also can make your own tinctures or teas with stinging nettle. Oryana carries several brands of nettles.

Nasal Irrigation

Nasal irrigation, or washing out your nose once or twice daily with warm salt water, is another approach to this trying malady. Even mainstream medical institutions, such as the Mayo Clinic, advocate the use of nasal irrigation. You will need a neti pot, available in the Wellness department at Oryana. Then you simply use this to pour lightly salted warm distilled water into one nostril and then let it run out of the other. This will rinse out all the irritating pollen. Nasal irrigation has actually been a part of yoga health-oriented “cleaning rituals” for centuries.

Quercetin (with Vitamin C)

Quercetin is an antioxidant found in some fruits and vegetables. It exhibits natural antihistamine effects and when combined with vitamin C, another natural antihistamine, can provide some relief from allergy symptoms. Oryana carries the quercetin products pictured above.

More Supplements

Oryana’s Wellness department carries a variety of allergy relief products including homeopathic remedies and nasal sprays. Three good products are Hyland’s Allergy Relief, a homeopathic preparation, Enzymedica Allerase, a blend of enzymes, and Dr. Nenningers Triple Allergy Defense, another homeopathic preparation.

Here’s to a healthy, allergy-free summer!