This is an easy and delicious apple sauce but it is not as thick as sauce made on the stovetop.
1 dozen or more apples, (Rome, Idared, Cortland, McIntosh, etc.) a mix would be good, enough to fill the crockpot
1 cinnamon stick or 1-2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
pinch sea salt
Optional: cane sugar or maple syrup to taste
- Peel, core, and cut the apples into uniform chunks. Toss them into a 4-quart crockpot along with the cinnamon stick or ground cinnamon. Turn the crockpot on to low and cook for 8 hours, stirring a couple times. Or start the crockpot a couple hours before you go to bed and give it a stir just before you go to bed.
- In the morning or after 8 hours, remove the cinnamon stick, add the pinch of salt, and blend the apples with an immersion blender, leaving a few chunks if desired. Taste and add sweetener if desired. Makes about 4 pints of sauce.