For Loghan and Naomi Call, a confluence of auspicious factors all manifested harmoniously to birth their new business, Audacia Handcrafted Elixirs. It was a classic silver lining in the storm when Loghan was forced to cease his catering business during the pandemic. He bartended to make ends meet and during this time he saw the need for better non-alcoholic offerings. This revelation led to a collaboration with his mother, Naomi, and the two experimented in creating a unique non-alcoholic spirit.
Mother and son just happened to have the perfect assets for the endeavor; Naomi is a certified herbalist & nutritionist with a reverence for alchemy and has tinkered for years with traditional herbal teas, tisanes, and alcohol-free beverages. Loghan has experience both as a chef and visual storyteller, whose passion lies in being of service to creating a more resilient future. Audacia, which means “boldness” in Italian and Latin, is representative of their collective ethos; the determination to create and be of service without compromising quality or integrity.
A year or so after they got started, a third partner joined in. Roman Albaugh came on board as a co-founder and advisor. With many years of experience as a bartender, Roman helped fine-tune the recipes and brought invaluable knowledge to the development of Audacia.
The elixirs are made with whole, clean, carefully-sourced ingredients that are brewed to achieve robust flavor. They are made by hand in small batches with quality and integrity every step of the way. This process allows them to create flavor complexity without the need for extracts, flavoring, or other chemical compounds and stabilizers. Their ultimate goal is to balance an incredible craft elixir experience that rivals any traditional cocktail while simultaneously providing nourishment. That concept is what inspired their tagline of “Drinking reimagined,” the idea that we can create a future where the art, act, and joy of drinking can actually cultivate health without any sense of compromising the experience.
They have a line of three elixirs —Citrus Botanical, Floral Berry, and Earthly Roots (the third of which will debut later this year)—that they created with the goal of nourishing body, mind, and spirit. Serendipitously, one result of this wholesome approach turned out to be three distinct elixirs that appeal to different palettes. They are specially crafted for use in a variety of creative ways.
A great deal of thought has gone not only into the elixirs themselves but also into a helpful guide on their website for how to get the best results in cocktail creation. Some of their advice includes a minimum suggested list of cocktail making tools, best flavor pairings, suggested sweetener types to use (and avoid), and recommended amounts to use per cocktail to achieve the best possible flavor experience.
Visit for more information and recipes.