Fair Trade Flowers

Why Buy Fair Trade Flowers?

About 80% of cut flowers sold in the United States are grown in Latin America, South America, and Africa. Over 300,000 women are employed by flower producers all over the world. More often than not, they are exploited to keep costs low for American and European consumers. These women are often subjected to sexual abuse, human rights violations, exposure to toxic agrochemicals, and extremely dangerous working conditions. In many cases they are not paid for overtime hours, and are lucky to be paid fairly for regular hours worked. Fair Trade creates a sustainable business model that guarantees:

  • Social Justice
  • Environmental Protection
  • Economic Development

With Fair Trade, farms, employees, and communities participate in global trade with sustainability and integrity. When choosing flowers for your loved one, choose fair trade roses from Oryana, only $1.99/stem, plus we will wrap them for you for FREE!