Summer is starting to wind down but there are still plenty of nice days left to go camping. If you have a camping trip coming up, stop by Oryana to stock up on great camping grub. Breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner food are all here. Here are some of the convenient foods we have.
1) Arrowhead Mills Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle Mix – Just have to add oil and water
2) Pocono Cream of Buckwheat Cereal – Nice alternative to cream of wheat, cooks in minutes
3) Vigilant Eats Superfood Cereal – Add hot or cold water or milk, stir, eat
4) Qia Creamy Coconut Oatmeal packets – Add boiling water and enjoy 2 minutes later
5) Food Co. ready to heat soups in packets – minestrone, split pea potato, black bean, white bean
6) Tasty Bite Indian Cuisine packets – boil the packet in hot water for 5 minutes
7) Seeds of Change cooked organic grains – ready to go with whatever topping you have
8) Koyo Ramen Noodles – a camping classic
9) Vegan Uptons's Naturals Massaman Curry – Heat and eat
10) POW! Gluten-free Macaroni & Cheese – this one actually tastes good!
11) Hummustir Instant Hummus – the components are packaged separately for maximum freshness
12) Miso Cup Instant Miso Soup
13) Stretch Island Fruit Leather – quick and easy snack
14) Honey sticks – sweeten your coffee, squeeze on crackers, eat it straight up
15) Nut butters in convenient pouches – peanut, cashew, almond, cashew, sunflower
16) Snacks from bulk – dried pineapple, sundrop candy, pop'd kerns
17) Organic salad dressings in a pouch
18) Organic Graham Crackers and natural Dandies marshmallows – for s'mores