National Cooperative Grocers (NCG) is partnering with NĀTIFS and donating 5¢ to this organization for every Field Day product sold throughout November. This coincides with ALL Field Day products being on sale in November! It’s the perfect chance to stock up on staples and support the strengthening of Native foodways, all at the same time!
What is NĀTIFS?
North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems (NATIFS), a nonprofit organization founded by Chef Sean Sherman of The Sioux Chef, is dedicated to addressing the economic and health crises affecting Native communities by re-establishing Native foodways. They imagine a new North American food system that generates wealth and improves health in Native communities through food-related enterprises.
The Indigenous Food Lab is an education and training center that serves as the heart of NATIFS’ work establishing a new Indigenous food system that reintegrates Native foods and Indigenous-focused education into tribal communities across North America. They work to develop and support Indigenous kitchens and food enterprises in tribal communities, bringing cultural, nutritional, and economic revitalization across North America!
The Lab is a training center that covers all aspects of Indigenous food service: research and development, Indigenous food identification, gathering, cultivation, and preparation, and all components of starting and running a successful culinary business.
What is NCG?
National Co+op Grocers (NCG) is a business services cooperative for retail food co-ops located throughout the United States. NCG was formed by co-ops and the member co-ops, including Oryana Community Co-op, are owners of NCG.