You will need a food processor for this recipe, preferably not a large one. A small to medium size food processor works best.
2-3 ripe bananas, depending on how much you want to make
Make sure the bananas are nicely ripened so the ‘ice cream’ will be sweet. Peel and slice the bananas in half length wise. Then slice the halves in half lengthwise. Then cut into 1/2 inch pieces. Freeze the pieces until they are frozen solid, at least a couple hours. You can lay them on piece of wax paper on a sheet pan, and place the pan in the freezer.
Dump the frozen banana pieces in the food processor. Process until they are chopped into small chunks. Scrape down the bowl. Process again a few seconds until they are even smaller chunks. Scrape down again. Process again. It will take a little while until it all comes together in a creamy, smooth blob without any chunks of banana. At this point you can add other flavorings such as cinnamon, peanut butter, chocolate chips, cocoa, etc. It is now ready to eat, although you can pack it into an airtight container and freeze to eat later.