Oryana’s Bylaw Revision Process

The Oryana Board of Directors is pleased to present refreshed bylaws, to be considered for your approval at the annual General Members Meeting in April. In 2023 the Board’s Bylaws Review Committee worked on revisions, and in December the full board approved the updates as presented. 

The Bylaws Review Committee worked with experienced cooperative consultants, attorneys, and the full Oryana Board to clarify and simplify language and to ensure that our bylaws accommodate current operational approaches, technology, and growth of our membership.

You can find the fully updated bylaws HERE and read an executive summary of the changes HERE.

The current Oryana bylaws, last updated in 2017 can be found HERE.

Look for these refreshed bylaws on the ballot, along with board candidates, at our annual General Members Meeting in April, 2024.

Qeustions? Concerns? Contact the board: [email protected]