Ham Sandwich Files

When you’ve got lots of ham, make a ham sandwich! Fillings and preparation can run the gamut, but here are 3 suggestions for putting your ham to work for breakfast or lunch.

French Ham Sandwich

A traditional French ham sandwich is nothing more than ham and butter on a fresh baguette, but we dolled it up just a bit.

  • Fresh crusty baguette
  • Fresh, thinly sliced ham
  • High quality butter, like Kerrygold Irish butter
  • Gruyere cheese slices
  • High quality dijon mustard
  • Cornichon pickles, sliced in half

Cut a long baguette into a piece fit for whatever size sandwich you are hungry for. Cut in half. Slather butter on one half and dijon mustard on the other half. Layer the ham, cheese, and sliced cornichons between the bread halves. Eat!

Ham, Cheese & Egg Breakfast Sandwich

  • 2 slices sturdy bread
  • butter
  • 1 egg
  • Thin slices of ham
  • Thinly sliced or shredded cheddar cheese
  • Two tomato slices

Lightly butter the bread slices. Heat a heavy skillet over medium low heat. Place one slice of bread, buttered side down. Pile on the ham, cheese, and tomato and top with the second bread slice, buttered side up. Press down with a metal spatula. Carefully flip when browned and cook the other side. While this is cooking, heat another skillet over medium heat, spray with cooking spray, and fry one egg over medium or sunny side up. Remove from heat and set aside. When the sandwich is nice and golden and the cheese is melted, place on a plate, remove the top slice and slide on the fried egg. Replace the bread and eat while it’s hot.

Ham, Brie, & Pear Sandwich

  • 2 slices sturdy bread
  • Butter
  • 1/2 a ripe pear, sliced
  • Brie or camembert slices
  • Ham slices
  • Dijon mustard or your favorite mustard

Butter the bread slices. Smear the other sides with mustard. Layer the ham, cheese, and pear between the mustard-smeared sides. Cook in a panini grill or on a heavy skillet similar to the above breakfast sandwich. Eat it while it’s hot.