Face Coverings Still Required

Oryana, throughout the pandemic, has worked hard to keep shoppers and staff safe.

Oryana has closely monitored the change in mask “recommendations” by the CDC and change Friday, May 14 by the State relaxing mask requirements for fully vaccinated persons (two weeks from completion of vaccination), while others still must wear masks.

The current change from the State Health Department requires businesses to confirm whether customers have been vaccinated or not, again putting the burden on businesses.

Currently, Oryana is requiring all customers and staff to continue wearing masks inside both stores. We feel it is unreasonable to expect staff to determine who, and who is not, vaccinated.

Oryana continues to monitor and confer with our owners, shoppers, and team and to watch for further clarity from the State, and importantly, for guidance from Michigan Occupational, Safety and Health (MIOSHA) related to staff guidelines.

Any changes to the Oryana policy will be communicated on our website, social media, and signage at both stores.

We appreciate our community’s and staff’s support.  Any questions, please email [email protected].