Covid-19 Policies

Your safety and the safety of our staff is of utmost importance to us. Rest assured that we are keeping up to date with recommended protocols and procedures from the CDC, World Health Organization, and State agencies to do our part to stop the spread of any viruses while still continuing to provide our essential service to the community. Please familiarize yourself with the information below that explains our Covid-19 policies.

Note: Policy Change

  • Face Coverings Required – Face Coverings are REQUIRED to shop at both locations. We will provide a free face mask or face shield if you do not have a face covering. If you are unable to wear a face covering you may use our free curbside pick-up service. 
  • Store Hours – Oryana 10th Street hours are 8:00 am – 8:00 pm daily and West hours are 7:00 am – 8:00 pm daily.
  • Reserve Shopping Times for those over 60 and vulnerable populations – if you are under 60 and/or shopping with a small child, please avoid shopping in the first hour at both stores. This will help allocate time for our at-risk population to shop and protect them from exposure. 
  • No ‘Bring Your Own’ Materials – To reduce the contact that our staff has with outside materials, we are not allowing ‘bring your own’ items. This includes reusable bags, reusable bulk containers (glass, plastic, or any other material), travel coffee mugs, etc. 
  • Store Returns – We are not able to accept any product or item returns at this time.
  • Oryana CafesOryana 10th St: limited cafe menu available including coffee drinks, smoothies, sandwiches, burgers, wraps, hot bar, and soup. Call in for curbside cafe to-go orders: direct line 231-346-2853. Cafe hours 8 am – 3:30 pm. Oryana West: Serving coffee beverages and beer (to be enjoyed while seated). Open all day.
  • Cafe Seating – Oryana 10th St: no indoor seating but we do have outdoor seating. Oryana West: indoor and outdoor seating available. Customers can only remove masks once seated. Masks must be put back on whenever you leave your table.
  • Personal Mugs – Customers may not bring their own mugs into the store. 
  • Bulk Purchases – Oryana staff members will continuously monitor our bulk departments to ensure safety standards. Gloves are available for use and staff are regularly cleaning and sanitizing scoop and bin handles.
  • Olive Bar – The self-serve Olive Bars is discontinued until further notice.
  • Owner Card Scanning – When you check out as an Owner we may ask you to read us the Owner number or scan your own card to cut down on materials passing between hands. 
  • Social Distancing – We ask you, as much as is possible, to practice Social Distancing in our stores. We know it is difficult as you walk our aisles, but every little bit helps to slow the spread and flatten the curve.
  • Senior Discount Extended – Shoppers over the age of 60 can use their 5% Senior Discount any day of the week during the first hour at either location.
  • Returnable Bottles/Cans – We are no longer taking returnable bottles or cans inside our store. Glass Milk Bottles can be placed in designated crates near our entrances. They will be picked up, cleaned, and sanitized by our vendors. The Executive Order allowing returnables to be accepted on June 15th is only in reference to bottle and can return machines. As Oryana accepts returns by hand, thus requiring contact, we are not allowed to accept these returns until further notice.