Bringing Food to our Neighbors in Need

Oryana is pleased to announce an initiative to help our neighbors in this time of need, the Oryana Community Food Fund. Pantries are seeing an increase in the need for food assistance during the Covid-19 pandemic, so we are teaming up with many of our local farmers and vendors including Naturally Nutty and Higher Grounds Coffee, as well as our large national suppliers to purchase and deliver food to Food Rescue of Northwest Michigan, who will then distribute it where it is needed. 

In addition, Oryana is also assisting with labor to offset the loss of volunteer labor due to stay-at-home restrictions. We are providing repacking services – about 6,000 lbs of food per week – and using our trucks to help pantries make pick-ups of purchased products for delivery to Father Fred and Salvation Army. 

Owners and shoppers now have the opportunity to make a donation which will go toward providing food for our local pantries. If you are purchasing through our curbside service, simply choose the amount you want to donate in the area indicated on the curbside form. For store shoppers, just tell your cashier you want to contribute to the community food fund. We will be accepting donations for this fund as long as the need is present.