2022 Oryana General Ownership Meeting

This year’s meeting will be virtual and takes place Thursday, April 21, 7 – 8pm. Meeting login details coming soon.

As a community-owned grocery co-op, our owners have a say in what we do and how we do it. Voting is the connection between you and the strategic direction of our co-op. By casting your vote, you are helping to ensure that our Board is made up of people who share your perspective. The Oryana board steers the direction of the co-op by creating the policies that the General Manager interprets. Board members are owners just like you and represent YOU! We invite you to learn about the candidates and vote!

TO VOTE ONLINE: If we have your updated email address you should have received: 

  • A secure link to the voting website
  • Your Elector ID (which is also your Owner #)
  • Your unique password

Simply follow the link and the instructions on the page to vote in Oryana’s 2022 election. 

Note: You must have renewed your ownership or gotten a new ownership by March 22, 2022, to be eligible to vote in the election.  

We also have paper ballots available in both stores.