Farro Tomato Salad
The sweetness of ripe tomatoes and the chewiness of farro make for a great combination. Best to eat this the same day it’s made.
The sweetness of ripe tomatoes and the chewiness of farro make for a great combination. Best to eat this the same day it’s made.
A lovely, deep green dip similar to pesto. Perfect for pita chips or root vegetable chips.
Patty pans are best eaten when they are small. Try this simple, quick saute that goes well with grilled chicken or fish.
A quick and easy way to dress up a summer breakfast for one person. Or chow this down for dinner.
Simple yet elegant, patty pans are firm enough to make a fine grilled side dish.
Deviled eggs taste great any time or any place. Great for potlucks, picnics, and appetizers.
Briami is a Greek vegetable dish utilizing mid to late summer vegetables like eggplant, zucchini, and tomatoes. Mint and oregano give it the signature Greek flavor.
This recipe was graciously provided by Pete Peterson, owner of the famous Tapawingo Restaurant in Ellsworth, Michigan (now closed.)
Italian souffles are more rustic and forgiving than their French cousins. They do not have to be eaten when just coming out of the oven. They can be served hot, at room temperature, or even cold.
So simple yet with elegant flavors, tomatoes and eggplant pair beautifully in this late summer dish.