Black Star Farm

  in Blog

Oryana is pleased to partner with Black Star Farm in Manton, Michigan as our newest local turkey provider. The Coblentz family had been raising fewer than 100 white broad breasted turkeys on their farm but with the recent Oryana partnership have scaled up to 400 birds. The young birds were purchased in different batches to allow for a variety of sizes come processing time.

The turkeys live a good life on the farm with outdoor access all season long. They are protected by a mobile electric fence with cover/shade available at all times. Farmer Aaron and family move the fence every 2-3 days, giving the turkeys a continuous supply of fresh grass and bugs. The birds also dine on non-GMO grains, which the Coblentz childrenaged 2 to 10 haul to the field via a mini pony and wagon. The birds never receive any hormones or antibiotics.

The Coblentz family also raises grass-fed beef and belong to an Amish cooperative where other nearby family farms sell their products at a local store. The farm is 50 acres in size, with an additional 100 acres they rent. (Note: Black Star Farm is not related to Black Star Farms in Leelanau County.)