Most Recent Recipes

Asparagus Raclette Breakfast Sandwich

When asparagus is in season, we like to eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Try this breakfast sandwich featuring one of our favorite cheeses, raclette. Great for dinner too.

in Breakfast, Recipes

Chicken Caesar Salad

This is one of those dishes you can enjoy year-round. In the summer, cook the chicken on the grill. In the winter, pan fry or bake or broil.

in Main Dishes, Recipes, Salads

French Savory Loaf – Cake Salé

Cake Salé is a Provençale savory quick bread that is sure to land a spot in your baked goods rotation. It’s not only scrumptious, it’s also practical because you can use a variety of pantry ingredients and cheeses.

in Breads, Recipes